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Can the Flu Be Sexually Transmitted?
Hey absolutely everyone, i've been hearing some rumors lately on the flu getting sexually transmitted. Is there any truth to this? I continually imagined the flu was just spread through coughing and sneezing.
That's an intriguing question. I've never exactly regarded as the probability of the flu getting transmitted through sexual contact. I mean, it would seem like it would be more probably to spread by way of respiratory droplets, right?
I'm not wholly of course, even so i feel viruses like the flu can be found in bodily fluids like saliva and mucus, so probably it's possible? But i agree, it appears like it would be less common than more forms of transfer.
I did any quick research, and it looks like there get been a few reported cases of the flu at the moment currently being transmitted sexually, but they're incredibly rare. It seems like the primary mode of transfer is nevertheless through respiratory droplets.
That makes sense. So even though it's feasible for the flu to be transmitted sexually, it's not some thing we ought to be overly concerned about?
Correct, i feel the main takeaway is that practicing good hygiene and obtaining vaccinated are still the best ways to prevent the spread of the flu, regardless how it can be transmitted.
Definitely. It's continually an excellent thought to wash your hands commonly, cover your estuary when you cough or sneeze, and avoid close contact with people who are sick, particularly throughout flu season.
Agreed. And if you're sexually lively and worried on the flu, using security like condoms can help reduce the risk of delivery, just like it does for more sexually transmitted infections.
Thanks for the info rmation, everyone. It's good to know that the risk of sexually transmitting the flu is low, but it's still important to take precautions to stay healthful.
Absolutely. It's constantly better to be risk-free than sorry when it is about to preventing the spread of infectious diseases like the flu.

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