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Mystery Can Yeast Infections Be Sexually Transmitted?
Hi everyone, i've been dealing with a yeast infection lately and it got me wondering: can yeast infections be sexually transmitted? I've read conflicting information on this topic and i'm curious to hear what other individuals need say.
That's a really good question. Yeast infections are generally caused by an overgrowth of the fungus candida albicans, which is merely present in the body. While yeast infections aren't technically considered sexually transmitted infections (stis), they can be transmitted by means of sensual activity in any cases.
That's exciting. I invariably considered yeast infections were just caused by items like antibiotics or hormonal changes. How really can they be transmitted through sex?
It's not super typical, but it is achievable for yeast infections to be passed in amongst partners through intimate get in touch with. This can happen when the yeast from 1 person's body arrives into contact with another person's genitalia area during sex.
So does that imply that yeast infections can just be transmitted throughout penetrative sex, or can more types of sexual activity also spread the infection?
It's more most most likely to occur throughout penetrative sex, but other kinds of sexual activity can on top contribute to the spread of yeast infections. Skin-to-skin get in touch with in the penis region can permit the yeast to transfer from one person to another, even if there isn't penetration concerned.
That is logic. So what can people do to prevent the spread of yeast infections throughout sex? Are there any precautions they need to take?
Practicing good hygiene is important, both before and right after sex. Washing the genitalia location with mild cleaning soap and water can help reduce the risk of transferring yeast between partners. Employing condoms or more barricade approaches can also supply some security, although they're not foolproof.
It sounds like communication is important further. If 1 companion is experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection, it's important to let the other companion know so they can take precautions and avoid spreading the infection further.
Definitely. And if someone does expand a yeast infection after having sex, it's vital for both partners to find treatment to prevent it from recurring or spreading back and forth in between them.

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