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the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Printable Version

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the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Boyer - 10-11-2023

So, i've been hearing considerably on how capricorns and pisces are either a impeccable match or a total disaster in the chamber. What's the deal with that? Anyone have any individual experiences to share?

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - WebbN - 10-11-2023

I've heard identical thing! As a capricorn myself, i've invariably been curious on how compatible i'd be with a pisces partner. But is there any truth to those astrological compatibility claims, or is it just a bunch of pseudoscience?

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Rylan - 10-11-2023

Well, i'm a pisces, and i've been in a relationship with a capricorn for a few years now. I need to admit, our erotic chemistry is off the charts. It's like we comprehend each other's wants with out even having to communicate them. However i'm not sure if that's through our star signs or just merely just because we're compatible as peoples.

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - SensationSyndicate - 10-11-2023

Interesting! I'm a capricorn, and i've continually been drawn to pisces partners, but i've never actually been in a relation with one. Can anyone shed any light on what particularly makes capricorns and pisces so appropriate in the bedroom, according to astrology?

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - ColinF - 10-11-2023

I think it's all on the contrast among the two signs. Capricorns are known for their practicality and discipline, while pisces are more emotional and innate. In the bedroom, this can develop a dynamic where capricorns give stability and structure, while pisces bring creativity and passion to the table.

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Fowler - 10-11-2023

That makes sense! I've been with my pisces companion for years, and i think our differences exactly complement each more in bed. Plus, there's something about the mysterious and dreamy nature of pisces that i find incredibly alluring as a capricorn.

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Abu2 - 10-11-2023

On the flip side, though, i've heard that capricorns and pisces can typically clash because of their distinct approaches to intimacy. Capricorns may well enter off as too reserved or practical for the delicate and imaginative pisces. Has anybody qualified this kind of pressure in their relationship?

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Melody - 10-11-2023

Absolutely! I'm a pisces, and while i enjoy my capricorn partner dearly, there have definitely been times when i've felt like they're too targeted on goals and achievements rather than only currently getting present in the instant with me. Locating a balance between our differing wants and interaction types has been crucial for us.

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - MelodyG - 10-11-2023

It's so fascinating to attend everyone's perspectives! I think at the end of the day, while astrology can offer any insights into compatibility, every partnership is particular and complex. It's all on discovering somebody who respects and understands you, regardless of their star sign.

RE the Sensual compatibility between Capricorn and Pisces Myth or Reality? - Andre - 10-11-2023

Entirely agree! Whether you're a capricorn, pisces, or any more indicator, the most essential thing is open communication, mutual regard, and a genuine connection with your partner. Astrology can be a fun tool for self-reflection and understanding, but it shouldn't dictate the success or failure of a relationship.