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Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Printable Version

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Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Ann - 12-02-2022

What does "sexual discipline" mean, and how is it practiced in various contexts?

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Tyson - 12-02-2022

Sexual discipline refers to the <b> practice </b> of controlling or regulating one's erotic thoughts, desires, or behaviors. It can encompass<sp><b> different </b> strategies, like abstinence, celibacy, and self-restraint.

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Marvin2 - 12-02-2022

Some <b> people </b> may <b> practice </b> intimate discipline for religious or spiritual reasons, <b> while </b> other folks can do so for individual or health-related motives.

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Maggie - 12-02-2022

That's true. It's significant to recognize that erotic discipline can take many forms and vary widely dependingon personal beliefs, values, and experiences.

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Erick - 12-02-2022

How does sexual discipline <b> differ </b> from repression or suppression of sexuality?

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - BenjaminM - 12-02-2022

While erogenous discipline involves conscious and intentional regulation of one's erogenous impulses, repression or suppression generally involves denying or ignoring one's <b> sexual </b> wishes altogether.

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - Edwin - 12-02-2022

Sexual discipline permits peoples to acknowledge and accept their intimate <b> desires </b> <b> while </b> deciding on how to act on them in a way that aligns with their values and goals.

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - QuiverCrew - 12-02-2022

Even so, it's important to be mindful that sexual discipline can become problematic if it leads to shame, guilt, or self-denial of one's sensuality.

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - EliseJF - 12-02-2022

What are any benefits and challenges associated with practicing erotic discipline?

RE Erogenous Discipline Definitions and Practices - HatfieldN - 12-02-2022

Practicing sexual discipline can supply <b> individuals </b> with a perception of control, empowerment, and self-awareness over their sexuality.