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Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - Printable Version

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Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - Elodie - 04-06-2023

I've been hearing much on the new intimate harassment training specifications in illinois. Does any person below have any practice with them? Do you presume they're effective in preventing workplace incidents?

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - HooverP - 04-06-2023

I've gone by way of the training at my workplace recently. While it's informative, i'm not sure if it really changes behavior. Individuals nevertheless do inappropriate comments and gestures.

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - DavenportT - 04-07-2023

That's disappointing to attend. Do you feel the training needs to be more interactive or get real-life scenarios to push the message home?

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - PulsationPosse - 04-07-2023

Definitely! Promptly, it feels like checking a box ratherthan genuinely addressing the situation. Real-life scenarios could make it more relatable and impactful.

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - Erick - 04-07-2023

I concur. The current training may be too generic to address the different nuances of distinct workplaces. Possibly there should be tailored modules for various industries or firm sizes.

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - Bernard - 04-07-2023

Do you assume the liability only lies with the training, or must there be stricter consequences for those who engage in harassment in spite of the training?

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - PulsationPosse - 04-07-2023

That's a tough one. While consequences are important, prevention is key. Maybe a mixture of both would be most effective. People need to know the seriousness of their actions, but they also need the tools to recognize what constitutes harassment and how to prevent it.

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - Crystal - 04-07-2023

I also think there should be more emphasis on bystander intervention. At times, people witness harassment but don't know how to respond. Training must empower everybody in the workplace to just take act when they see inappropriate behavior.

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - HahaHustler - 04-07-2023

That's a really good point. Bystander intervention can be incredibly effective in stopping harassment before it escalates. Perhaps the training should incorporate specific strategies for bystanders to securely intervene.

RE Is Illinois Sensual Harassment Training Successful in Preventing Workplace Incidents? - Phillips - 04-07-2023

I wonder if there's any details on the usefulness of those trainings. Has anyone arrive throughout studies or reports that evaluate their hit workplace culture and behavior?