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Become a Sex Toy Tester question How can somebody turn a sex toy tester, and what must they expect? - Printable Version

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Become a Sex Toy Tester question How can somebody turn a sex toy tester, and what must they expect? - QuiverQueens - 05-16-2024

I'm fascinated in becoming a sex toy tester. Where ought to I start off, and what are the requirements?

RE Become a Sex Toy Tester question How can somebody turn a sex toy tester, and what must they expect? - SimmonsN - 05-16-2024

Has anybody here worked as a sex toy tester? What was your practice like, and how did you get started?

RE Become a Sex Toy Tester question How can somebody turn a sex toy tester, and what must they expect? - Eduardo - 05-16-2024

What qualities do companies look for in sex toy testers? Share tips for position out in applications.

RE Become a Sex Toy Tester question How can somebody turn a sex toy tester, and what must they expect? - ChuckleCommander - 05-16-2024

Are there ethical considerations or challenges to be aware of when testing sex toys professionally?