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Full Version: Is Chlamydia Just Passed Sexually?
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Hey <b> every </b> person, i've read conflicting data on chlamydia lately. Some say it's only transmitted by <b> sexual </b> contact, while other people advise there may well be more ways to get it. What do you think? Is chlamydia truly just passed sexually?
That's an <b> interesting </b> question. I've continually believed of chlamydia as a sexually transmitted infection (sti), but now that you <b> mention </b> it, i'm curious to know if there are more ways it can be transmitted.
From what i've discovered, chlamydia is largely spread <b> through </b> <b> sexual </b> contact, specifically unprotected sex. But there are instances where it can be transmitted by other indicates, like from an infected mother to her newborn throughout childbirth.
I've also read on cases <b> where </b> chlamydia can be passed <b> through </b> non-sexual contact, such as sharing contaminated objects like towels or sex toys. But these cases seem to be less <b> common </b> in contrast to <b> sexual </b> delivery.
Wow, i didn't realize that chlamydia could potentially be spread by indicates of non-sexual <b> indicates </b> further. It would seem like there's still much misconceptions about how it's transmitted.
Definitely! It's crucial for individuals to be conscious of all the attainable ways chlamydia can be passed on so they can just take suitable precautions to safeguard themselves and other people.
Absolutely. Education and awareness are important in preventing the spread of stis like chlamydia. Knowing how it can be transmitted can help <b> individuals </b> do informed decisions on their sensual well-being.
I agree. It's on top essential for healthcare providers to <b> continue </b> educating their patients on stis and the importance of common testing, specially for those who are sexually active.
Thanks a lot for the insights, everyone. It's clear that there's more to chlamydia transfer than meets the eye. We all need to stay <b> informed </b> and take move to protect ourselves and our communities.
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