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Full Version: Can You Be Addicted to Someone Sexually?
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I consider it's truly possible to become addicted to somebody sexually. When you're deeply appeal to to somebody, the want for them can become mind-boggling, triggering a dependence on their <b> presence </b> and intimacy.
I see what you're expressing, but isn't addiction a bit of a rugged word? I indicate, being infatuated or deeply appeal to to somebody is one thing, but addiction implies a loss of control and adverse consequences, like with compound abuse
I feel there's a good line amongst becoming infatuated and getting addicted. When you find yourself constantly pondering on someone, craving their presence, and sentiment distressed when they're not around, it starts to resemble addiction.
I <b> believe </b> it's more about the individual's connection with intercourse and intimacy. For some people, <b> intercourse </b> can be a re supply of validation, validation, or even escape from more troubles in their lives. In those cases, turning into addicted to somebody sexually may well be more about fulfilling deeper emotional needs than only physical attraction.
That's a good point. So, do you think it's achievable for somebody to turn addicted to the physical <b> sensation </b> of sex with a particular person, ratherthan the individual themselves?
Altogether. Just like with any addiction, the brain can turn conditioned to seek out specified stimuli, <b> whether </b> it's a substance or a specific erotic experience. If someone associates strong <b> enjoyment </b> and <b> satisfaction </b> with sex with a particular person, they may well crave that practice to an unhealthy degree.
But addiction implies a lack of control, right? Can somebody truly lose control over their erotic wants to the point where it becomes detrimental to their well-being?
It's <b> certainly </b> possible. Addiction is <b> usually </b> characterized by a compulsive need to engage in a behavior <b> despite </b> adverse consequences. If somebody is willing to compromise their values, relationships, or even their own security in pursuit of sensual gratification with a distinctive person, that could be regarded as a form of addiction.
So, what do you <b> think </b> are any signs that someone may well be addicted to someone sexually?
I believe excessive preoccupation with the person, withdrawal symptoms when they're not around, and engaging in risky or destructive behaviors to preserve the partnership are all red flags.
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